"Principal-principal Agency Problems and Stock Price Crash Risk" (Corporate Governance: An International Review, 2017):
On April 2005, the China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC) launched the split-share structure reform to mitigate principal-principal agency problems.Using the reform as an exogenous shock, we examine the impact of principal-principal agencyproblems on stock price crash risk. Specifically, this study attempts to answer two questions:(1) Does the split-share structure reform in China decrease stock price crash risk? (2) Is the aboveeffect induced by the mitigation of principal-principal agency problems? We find that the reform induces a significant decrease in crashrisk after controlling for other predictors of crash risk, and this effect is more pronounced in firmswith a higher proportion of shares held by controlling shareholders. Moreover, we find that thenegative impact of the reform on stock price crash risk is more pronounced in firms with a highlevel of tunneling prior to the reform, which indicates that reform induces less tunneling, andadversely affects crash risk.