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【11月24日】【高雅艺术进校园 】 CEMA室内音乐会-瑞辛伯格三重奏


时间:2016年11月24日(星期四)晚 7:00


Date : Thursday Nov 24, 2016 7:00 pm.

Venue :39 South College Road, Haidian District, CUFE CEMA 712


Jochen Settili, clarinet in A/Bb

Sergi Boadella, cello

Narey Park, piano

Ludwig van Beethoven (1771 – 1827)

Trio für Klarinette, Violoncello und Klavier, Bb-Dur, op.11

?Gassenhauertrio“ (1797)

Allegro con brio


Tema: Pria ch’io l’impegno. Allegretto – Var. I–IX

Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897)

Trio für Klavier, Klarinette und Violoncello, a-Moll, op.114 (1891)



Andantino grazioso


Paul Juon (1872 – 1940)

Trio-Miniaturen für Klarinette, Violoncello und Klavier (19o1)

Danse phantastique op. 24, Nr. 2 - Quasi Valse lente

Rêverie op. 18 Nr. 3 - Molto adagio

Elegie op. 18, Nr. 6 - Allegro ma non troppo

Humoreske op. 18, Nr. 7 - Allegro ma non troppo

Jochen Settili 单簧管A/Bb

Sergi Boadella 大提琴

Narey Park 钢琴

路德维希·凡·贝多芬 (1771 – 1827)


作品11号 ?Gassenhauer trio“ (1797)

快板 con brio


主题与变奏I-IX:我定婚之前 快板

约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯 (1833-1897)


作品114号 (1891)





保罗·朱恩 (1872 – 1940)

钢琴、单簧管与大提琴三重奏 (1901)

梦幻般的舞蹈 作品24号之二 准圆舞曲

梦幻曲 作品18号之三 非常柔的柔板

挽歌 作品18号之六 不太快的快板

幽默曲 作品18号之七 不太快的快板

At the beginning of the classical period, making music in small groups was crystalized in some specific instrumentation. On the one hand, the most important form was the string quartet (vl,vl,va,vc), and on the other hand (and not so famous as the strings) the woodwind quintet (fl, ob, cl, cor, bs). So it was easy to combine strings and winds. Famous works had been written for Clarinet quintet by Brahms, Mozart, Weber and others. But also smaller ensembles, such as trio for Violin,cello and piano were widely supported by these famous composers,. They also replaced violin with clarinet as the leading instrument, and this combination was the favorite instrumentation of the ronamtic era.

In this program, you can find a compass of this group of chamber music. Beethoven composed eight Piano Trios but only one with clarinet. Brahms composed three Trios and one with clarinet. And Juon composed only one piano trio (for clarinet or violin).

We concepted the progam in the chronological order so that the development of composing process and structures are obvious to be detected. Of course Juon composed program music with concrete titles, which should lead the imagination of the audience. Brahms even avoided these concretion.

During the performance, pay attention to:

· the function of the Piano in this instrumentation,

· the posssibilities of dialog between the clarinet and cello … and piano

· the expressivity of the music between different composers





· 不同作曲家运用音乐的不同表达


Jochen Settili Introduction / 介绍

Jochen Settili,clarinet in A/Bb

Jochen Settili studied with Georg Zeretzke, Sabine Meyer, Giora Feidman and earned his Master in clarinet at the University of the Arts Berlin, Germany. His orchestral experience includes a wide diversity including “Les miserables” or “Tanz der Vampire” also as engagements in Symphony Orchestras all over Germany. In numerous performances throughout Europe he performed the entire range of the clarinet repertoire (incl. Bass- and Eb-Clarinet). Settili’s career profile in music is broad based with ongoing commitments in performance, conducting, writing a doctoral thesis, and teaching, currently as a teacher for music and philosophy at the School of the German Embassy Beijing. Additional professional skills in flute, oboe and saxes let him feels at home in classical music as well as jazz. Many years he was an executive of “Neuk?llner Oper, Berlin” and jury member of the German music competition “Jugend musiziert” and latest in “China Youth Music Competition”.

Jochen Settili 单簧管A/Bb

Jochen Settili曾与Georg Zeretzke, Sabine Meyer, Giora Feidman一起在德国柏林艺术学院学习,并在那里获得了单簧管硕士学位。他有丰富的管弦乐团演奏经历,并参加了包括《悲惨世界》 《吸血鬼之舞》和遍布德国的其他乐团演出。在环游欧洲的众多演奏会中,他几乎演奏了单簧管曲目中的所有篇章。赛迪利的音乐职业生涯广阔,他不懈地投入到表演、指挥、博士论文写作和教学中,目前在北京的德国大使馆教授音乐和哲学。他还精通长笛、双簧管和萨克斯,这让他在古典乐和爵士乐演奏方面都游刃有余。他曾多年担任柏林Neuk?llner歌剧院负责人,并在德国的青年艺术家音乐比赛以及最近的中国青少年音乐比赛担任评委。

Sergi Boadella, Cello

Sergi Boadella was born in Spain and began his cello studies with Lluís Claret in Barcelona, continued by following Cristian Florea at Musikhochschule Trossingen in Germany, and finished his training with Mar?al Cervera. He won the 2nd prize in the JJMM Young Musicians Competition of Spain in 1990 and graduated from Guildhall School in London and licensed with Honours. Further studies include master courses with Bernard Greenhouse, Michael Flaksman, Maud Tortelier, Anner Bylsma, and Christophe Coin.

Sergi performed in Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, Tunisia, USA, Taiwan and China. He served as principal cellist of the Palau de la Música Catalana Chamber Orchester in Barcelona, and was a member of JONDE (Youth National Orchestra of Spain), the Kammerorchester Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany), the Catalan Chamber Orchestra, the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra and the Castilla y León Symphony Orchestra.

As member of the Quartet de Barcelona he has recorded several CDs and performed throughout Europe, premiering many works of Spanish composers, including works dedicated to the quartet.

Sergi moved to China in 2011 and is currently a professor at VIU (Valencia Internacional University) on music performance teaching for on-line master degree. In the past six year he has performed and taught extensively throughout China. He has taught master classes at many music conservatories and performed as soloist with symphony orchestras in various cities. Recently, he explored a novel playing experience with the BICO (Beijing International Chamber Orchestra) and the Dunshan Wind Symphony Orchestra as soloist, which aroused intensive attention from audience.

Sergi Boadella performs on a cello made by Martino Heel in Genova (Italy) in 1700.

Sergi Boadella 大提琴

Sergi Boadella 出生于西班牙,他在巴塞罗那开始学习大提琴,初学大提琴的老师是Lluís Clare,后来在德国的特罗辛根国立音乐学院跟随 Cristian Florea继续学习大提琴演奏,并最终在Mar?al Cervera的指导下完成了学业。1990年Sergi获得西班牙青年音乐家比赛的2等奖,1996年以卓越成绩加入英国吉尔德霍尔音乐学校,先后与Bernard Greenhouse, Michael Flaksman, Maud Tortelier, Anner Bylsma 和 Christophe Coin共同准备和教授大师课。

Sergi Boadella 的音乐活动遍及西班牙、 德国、 法国、 意大利、 瑞士、 葡萄牙、 突尼斯、 美国、 台湾和中国等国家和地区。他曾担任加巴塞罗那加泰隆尼亚交响乐团的首席大提琴手,并且还是西班牙青年民族乐团、德国弗雷堡大学交响乐团、加泰隆尼亚室内交响乐团、巴塞罗那交响管乐团和卡斯蒂利亚-莱昂交响乐团的重要成员。


2011 年,Sergi Boadella来到中国,目前担任西班牙巴伦西亚国际大学的教授,负责音乐表演专业的研究生在线教育。在过去六年中,他在中国各地演出并授课。他在中国的许多音乐院校上过大师课,并且在许多城市举办独奏音乐会并与交响乐团合作演出。最近一段时间,他在北京国际室内交响乐团和墩山交响管乐团负责大提琴独奏,引起了广泛关注。

Sergi使用的是意大利热那亚制琴大师Martino Heel于1700年制作的大提琴。

Narey Park Introduction / 介绍

Narey Park, piano

Pianist Narey Park was born in South Korea in 1982 and studied piano in Ewha Womans University in Seoul. From 2005 to 2008, she studied piano and chamber music under Professor Dr. Saule Tatubaeva in Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe. She graduated with a master degree in art education with distinguish. From 2008 to 2012, she studied piano and chamber music from professor Wolfgang Wagenh?user in Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik Trossingen und schloss. In 2006, she won the first prize in International Chamber Music Competition Pietro Argento“ in Gioia del Colle, Italien and in 2007 Honorable Mention in International Chamber Music Competition Gaetano Zinetti in Verona, Italien. Also in 2008, she won the third prize in International Skriabin Piano Competition in Paris, France. In addition, she won numerous best interpretation prices for piano with Fach Oboe, Oboe and Bassoon.

She played as a soloist with Orchestras and is active as a concert pianist and chamber music pianist in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Japan, Korea and China. These years she has concert sessions in Korea and China.

Narey Park 钢琴

Narey Park 1982年出生于韩国,在首尔梨花女子大学学习钢琴。2005年至2008年,她在德国卡尔斯鲁危的国家音乐学院师从Saule教授学习钢琴和室内音乐。她以优异的成绩毕业并获得艺术教育学的硕士学位。2008至2012年,她在Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik Trossingen und Schloss师从Wolfgang Wagenh?user教授学习钢琴和室内乐。2006年她获得Pietro Argento国际室内乐比赛的第一名,2007年获得Gaetano Zinetti国际室内乐比赛的荣誉奖。2008年,获得斯克里亚宾国际钢琴比赛第三名。她还因钢琴演奏与双簧管、巴松的出色配合,获得过许多最佳演绎奖。





