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【10月20日】【CHLR应用微观讲座】The Impact of Retirement on Cognitive Functioning: Evidence from Urban China


主题: The Impact of Retirement on Cognitive Functioning: Evidence from Urban China

主讲人: 刘 宏

摘 要: This paper aims at examining the causal effect of retirement on cognitive functioning using the data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. We control for potentially confounding age patterns of cognitive decline and correct for endogenous bias by exploiting the official retirement ages as exogenous instruments for individual retirement status. We find that retirement has a positive effect on cognitive functioning for men but a negative effect on cognitive function for women. We explore the underlying features of the retirement-cognition mechanism.

First, the beneficial effects of retirement are concentrated among men with a middle school education and above. Second, we show that the blue-collar male workers are likely to improve their cognitive functioning at retirement, while that is not the case the white-collar male worker. It indicates that relative efficiency of cognitive repair on and off the job is an important factor behind the impact of retirement on cognitive ability. Third, we also provide evidence that the blue-collar male workers are more likely to have social interaction and intellectually stimulating activities at retirement.

球探篮球比分,竞彩足球比分主讲人: 刘宏,球探篮球比分,竞彩足球比分中国经济与管理研究院教授,美国纽约大学石溪分校经济学博士,研究方向为卫生经济学、公共政策评估、劳动经济学、应用微观。

时 间:2016年10月20日,星期四,15:30-17:00

地 点:学术会堂南楼608室




