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【12月14日】【财政论坛】Professor Simon Deakin:Different Legal Institutions for Different Economic Settings:Evidence from Interviews in China


题目:Different Legal Institutions for Different Economic Settings:Evidence from Interviews in China




主讲人:Professor Simon Deakin

Fellow of British Academy

Professor of Law, University of Cambridge

Fellow of Peterhouse, University of Cambridge

Director of Centre for Business Research, Cambridge Judge Business School

Robert Monks Professor of Corporate Governance, Cambridge Judge Business School

Bigelow Fellow, University of Chicago

Visiting Professor, Columbia University

Research Interests:

Professor Deakin’s research is concerned, more generally, with the relationship between law and the social sciences, and he contributes regularly to the fields of law and economics, law and development, and empirical legal studies.Present research projects include work on law, finance and development; reflexive governance in the public interest; gender equality and corporate governance; and capabilities and labour markets in Europe.

Selected Publication:(Journals)

Deakin, S., Buchanan, J. and Chai, D.H. (2013) "Empirical analysis of legal institutions and institutional change: multiple-methods approaches and their application to corporate governance research." Journal of Institutional Economics (forthcoming)

Deakin, S. (2013) "The legal theory of finance: implications for methodology and empirical research." Journal of Comparative Economics, 41: 338-442

Deakin, S. and Koukiadaki, A. (2012) "Capability theory, employee voice and corporate restructuring: evidence from UK case studies." Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 33: 427-458

Deakin, S. (2012) "The corporation as commons: rethinking property rights, governance and sustainability in the business enterprise." Queen's Law Journal, 37: 339-381

Deakin, S. (2011) "What directors do (and fail to do): some comparative notes on board structure and corporate governance." New York Law School Law Review, 55: 526-541

Deakin, S. and Sarkar, P. (2011) "Indian labour law and its impact on unemployment, 1973-2006: a leximetric study." Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 53: 607-629

Deakin, S. (2011) "Legal evolution: integrating economic and systemic approaches." Review of Law and Economics, 7: 659-683

Armour, J., Deakin, S., Sarkar, P., Siems, M. and Singh, A. (2009) "Shareholder protection and stock market development: an empirical test of the legal origins hypothesis." Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 6: 343-380

Deakin, S. (2009) "Corporate governance, finance and growth: unravelling the relationship." ActaJuridica, 10: 191-218


Deakin, S. and Pistor, K. (eds.) (2012) Legal origin theory. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Buchanan, J., Chai, D. and Deakin, S. (2012) Hedge fund activism in Japan: the limits of shareholder primacy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Deakin, S. and Morris, G. (2009) Labour law. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 5th edition.

Deakin, S. and Supiot, A. (eds.) (2009) Capacitas: contract law and the institutional preconditions of a market economy. Oxford: Hart Publishing.

Whittaker, D.H. and Deakin, S. (eds.) (2009) Corporate governance and managerial reform in Japan. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

De Schutter, O. and Deakin, S. (eds.) (2005) Social rights and market forces: is the open coordination of employment and social policies the future of social Europe? Brussels: Bruylant.

Deakin, S. and Wilkinson, F. (2005) The law of the labour market: industrialisation, employment and legal evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Burchell, B., Deakin, S., Michie, J. and Rubery, J. (2003) Systems of production: markets, organisations and performance. London: Routledge.

Cook, J., Deakin, S., Michie, J. and Nash, D. (2003) Trust rewards: realising the mutual advantage. London: Mutuo.



