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【6月3日】 【CEMA研讨会2019春季第十四讲】 Network Formation with Multigraphs and Strategic Complementarities


论文题目:Network Formation with Multigraphs and Strategic Complementarities

报告人:Sudipta Sarangi (美国弗吉尼亚理工大学经济系教授及系主任Virginia Tech)

论文摘要:This paper examines the formation of one network G when connections in a second network H are inherited under two scenarios: (i) H is asymmetric allowing for a wide range of networks called nested split graphs, and (ii) H is symmetric in Bonacich centrality. The bulk of our paper assumes that both G and H are interdependent because the respective actions in each are (weak) strategic complements. This complementarity creates a "silver spoon" effect whereby those who inherit high Bonacich centrality in H will continue to have high Bonacich centrality in G. There is however a "silver lining": depending on the costs of link formation, the formed network G may allow for an improvement in centrality. As an application, we introduce an overlapping generations models to analyze intergenerational transmission of inequality through networks. Finally, we explore the implications of actions being strategic substitutes across networks. This can lead to a "leisure class" à la Veblen where well connected agents in H establish no links in G, and those with no connections in H form all the links in G. Our analysis provides insight into preferential attachment, how asymmetries in one network may be magnified or diminished in another, and why players with links in one network may form no links in another network.



报告人简介:Sudipta Sarangi,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)经济系教授及系主任,同时担任Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization杂志的联合主编(Co-editor)。研究领域为:网络经济学,应用博弈论,实验及发展经济学等,研究成果发表于Journal of Development Economics, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Mathematical Economics, International Journal of Game Theory等国外著名期刊。




